SPIRIT NORTHWEST Altar Walk Application

Thank you for the opportunity to share your spiritual journey with our guests. We look forward to seeing your amazing traditions and sharing your devotion! This is an opportunity to broaden your reach and share artifacts of your tradition.

Altars in the Altar Education Walk are reserved for those individuals, groups, or non-profit organizations who wish to provide information or educational material related to traditions, holidays (e.g. Beltaine), or ancestral veneration rituals.

A small collection container can be placed to collect donations, but no item or service may be provided in exchange for a donation nor may readings be performed for free.

May 1 - 4, Portland OR

Please read the Policies and Terms carefully.

Note: All ceilings are 9 feet high.

Questions? Contact us.


  1. No flames, lit incense, or scent producing devices such as diffusers. Some people are sensitive to smells.
  2. No proselytizing. This is an educational event to share your traditions.
  3. You may have a donation box or space on your table. No sales of any kind.
  4. Each altar space measures 6’ table. There will not be space available behind or beside booths for extra storage; please plan accordingly.
  5. Offensive or distasteful behavior, including promoting bias or hate, is strictly forbidden.
  6. All vendors must comply with applicable laws and regulations at every level—local, state, and federal.

Questions? Contact us.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Operations Committee determines space assignments and are final. Specific locations are not guaranteed.
  2. SPIRIT NORTHWEST is not liable for injuries, theft, or damage before, during, or after the event. Altar presenters agree to indemnify and hold SPIRIT NORTHWEST harmless from such claims.
  3. Altar staff are liable for any loss, damage, or injury to staff or attendees caused by their actions or displays. They agree to indemnify SPIRIT NORTHWEST from resulting claims or suits.

Questions? Contact us.

Altar Walk Application

We will contact you for a high-resolution photo.

After submitting the form, you will see a payment page. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified by February 15th 2025